464.10—How do States apply?

(a) The Governor of a State may submit an application to the Secretary for a grant for a State adult literacy resource center.
(b) The Governors of a group of States may submit an application to the Secretary for a grant for a regional adult literacy resource center.
(c) A State may apply for and receive both a grant for a State adult literacy resource center and, as part of a group of States, a grant for a regional adult literacy resource center.
(d) If appropriate, a State shall obtain the review and comments of the State council on the application.
(e) An approved application remains in effect during the period of the State plan under 34 CFR part 461.
(f) Through a notice published in the Federal Register, the Secretary sets an annual deadline before which a State may submit a new application or an amendment to its existing application.

Code of Federal Regulations

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1208aa(h) )