461.46—What requirements for program reviews and evaluations must be met by a State?
An SEA shall provide for program reviews and evaluations of all State-administered adult education programs, services, and activities it assists under the Act. The SEA shall use its program reviews and evaluations to assist LEAs and other recipients of funds in planning and operating the best possible programs of adult education and to improve the State's programs of adult education.
In reviewing programs, an SEA shall, during the four-year period of the State plan, gather and analyze data—including standardized test data—on the effectiveness of State-administered adult education programs, services, and activities to determine the extent to which—
The State's adult education programs are achieving the goals in the State plan, including the goal of serving educationally disadvantaged adults; and
An SEA shall, each year during the four-year period of the State plan, evaluate in qualitative and quantitative terms the effectiveness of programs, services, and activities conducted by at least 20 percent of the local recipients of funds so that at the end of that period 80 percent of all local recipients have been evaluated once.
Projected goals of the recipient as described in its application pursuant to section 322(a)(4) of the Act and § 461.31(c)(4).
Extent to which local recipients of funds have improved their capacity to achieve the purposes of the Act.
Success of the recipient in meeting the State's indicators of program quality after those indicators are developed as required by section 331(a)(2) of the Act and § 461.3(b)(7).
Within 90 days of the close of each program year, the SEA shall submit to the Secretary and make public within the State the following:
The number and percentage of local educational agencies, community-based organizations, volunteer groups, and other organizations that are grant recipients;
The amount of funds provided to local educational agencies, community-based organizations, volunteer groups, and other organizations that are grant recipients; and
The results of the evaluations carried out as required by paragraph (c)(1) of this section in the year preceding the year for which the data are submitted.
The results of any program reviews and evaluations performed during the program year, and a description of how the SEA used the program reviews and evaluation process to make necessary changes to improve programs; and
The comments and recommendations of the State advisory council, if a council has been established under § 461.50.
Obtain approval of the plan for program reviews and evaluation from the State advisory council; and
Inform the State advisory council of the results of program reviews and evaluations so that the State advisory council may perform its duties under section 332(f)(7) of the Act.
Code of Federal Regulations
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1830-0501)