461.32—What are programs for corrections education and education for other institutionalized adults?
An SEA shall use not less than 10 percent of its grant for educational programs for criminal offenders in corrections institutions and for other institutionalized adults. Those programs may include—
Academic programs for—(i) Basic education with special emphasis on reading, writing, vocabulary, and arithmetic;
Corrections education programs, including training for teacher personnel specializing in corrections education, such as courses in social education, basis skills instruction, and abnormal psychology;
Supportive services for criminal offenders, with special emphasis on the coordination of educational services with agencies furnishing services to criminal offenders after their release; and
Cooperative programs with educational institutions, community-based organizations of demonstrated effectiveness, and the private sector, that are designed to provide education and training.
An SEA shall establish its own statewide criteria and priorities for administering programs for corrections education and education for other institutionalized adults.
The SEA shall determine that an application proposing a project under paragraph (a) of this section contains the information in § 461.31(c) and any other information the SEA considers necessary.