428.10—What must an application contain?

An application must—
(a) Provide an assurance that the activities and services for which assistance is sought will be administered by or under the supervision of the applicant;
(b) Propose a project of a size, scope and design that will make a substantial contribution toward carrying out the purpose of the Bilingual Vocational Instructor Training Program;
(c) Describe the capabilities of the applicant, including vocational training or education courses offered by the applicant, accreditation, and any certification of courses by appropriate State agencies;
(d) Describe the qualifications of principal staff to be used in the bilingual vocational instructor training project;
(e) Describe the number of participants to be served, the minimum qualifications for project participants, and the selection process for project participants;
(f) Include the projected amount of the fellowships or traineeships, if any;
(g) Contain sufficient information for the Secretary to make the determination required by § 428.3(b); and
(h) Provide an assurance that preservice training will be provided to individuals who have indicated their intent to engage as personnel in a vocational education program that serves limited English proficient individuals.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under Control No. 1830-0013)

Code of Federal Regulations

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 2441(d)(1) , (4))