426.7—What activities does the Secretary fund under the Agriculture Action Centers?

The Secretary supports model Agriculture Action Centers that provide improved access to vocational education programs and that—
(a) Assist individuals—
(1) Who are adversely affected by farm and rural economic downturns;
(2) Who are dislocated from farming; and
(3) Who are dislocated from agriculturally related businesses and industries that are adversely affected by farm and rural economic downturns;
(b) Provide services, including—
(1) Crisis management counseling and outreach counseling that would include members of the family of the affected individual;
(2) Evaluation of vocational skills and counseling on enhancement of these skills;
(3) Assistance in obtaining training in basic, remedial, and literacy skills;
(4) Assistance in seeking employment and training in employment-seeking skills; and
(5) Assistance in obtaining training related to operating a business or enterprise;
(c) Provide for formal and on-the-job training to the extent practicable; and
(d) Are coordinated with activities and discretionary programs under title III of the Job Training Partnership Act (29 U.S.C. 1651 et seq. ).

Code of Federal Regulations

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 2420a(6) )