426.22—What selection criteria does the Secretary use for the Program for Model Consumer and Homemaking Education Projects?

(a) The Secretary uses the following criteria to evaluate an application for a model consumer and homemaking education project:
(1) Program factors. (10 points) The Secretary reviews the quality of the proposed project to assess the extent to which project activities will improve, expand, and update programs that will—
(i) Be conducted for residents of economically depressed areas or areas with high rates of unemployment;
(ii) Encourage participation of traditionally underserved populations;
(iii) Encourage the elimination of sex bias and sex stereotyping; and
(iv) Address priorities and emerging concerns at the local, State, and national levels, such as the articulation of secondary and postsecondary consumer and homemaking education programs and the integration of basic skills in consumer and homemaking education programs.
(2) Demonstration program design. (10 points) The Secretary reviews each application to determine the extent to which the applicant—
(i) Bases the proposed consumer and homemaking education project on successful model education programs that include components similar to the components required by this program, as evidenced by empirical data from those programs in such factors as—
(A) Student performance and achievement;
(B) Placement of students in jobs, including the preparation of students for the occupation of homemaking; and
(C) Successful transfer of students to a wide variety of postsecondary educational programs;
(ii) Proposes project objectives that contribute to the improvement of consumer and homemaking education; and
(iii) Proposes to use unique and innovative techniques to produce benefits that address educational problems and needs that are of national significance.
(b) The Secretary also uses the criteria and points in § 426.21 (c) through (h) to evaluate an application.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under Control No. 1830-0013)

Code of Federal Regulations

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 2420a )