403.200—What are the State's responsibilities for ensuring compliance with the comparability requirements?

(a) The State board may not make a payment under the Act to a local educational agency unless the LEA is in compliance with § 403.194. As indicated in § 403.194(a), an LEA may demonstrate its compliance with the comparability requirements by filing an appropriate assurance.
(b) The State board shall monitor each local educational agency's compliance with the comparability requirements in § 403.194.
(c) If, after a local educational agency receives an award of Federal funds under the State plan, the local educational agency is found not to be in compliance with the comparability requirements, the State board shall—
(1) Withhold all or a portion of the local educational agency's grant award, but not less than the amount or percentage by which the local educational agency failed to achieve comparability under the local educational agency's procedures established pursuant to § 403.194(c); or
(2) Require repayment of the amount or percentage by which the local educational agency failed to achieve comparability if the local educational agency is found not to be in compliance after the period of availability of the funds awarded has ended.

Code of Federal Regulations

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 2323(b)(19) )