402.21—What selection criteria does the Secretary use?

The Secretary uses the following selection criteria to evaluate an application:
(a) Program design. (35 points) The Secretary reviews each application to determine the extent to which—
(1) The application presents a complete program design, including identifying the services to be provided, who will provide them, how they will be provided, and the expected outcomes for each activity;
(2) The proposed program is designed to meet the identified vocational education needs of native Hawaiians;
(3) The application proposes an effective plan for coordination with the office of the Hawaii State director for vocational education; and
(4) If vocational training is proposed within the project—
(i) Proposes measurable goals for student enrollment, completion, and placement.
(ii) Proposes goals that take into consideration any related standards and measures developed for Job Opportunities and Basic Skills (JOBS) programs (42 U.S.C. 681 et seq.) and any Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) (29 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.) programs in that geographic area;
(iii) Proposes goals that take into consideration any standards set by the State board for vocational education for the occupation and geographic area; and
(iv) Describes how successful program completion will be determined for each occupation for which training is to be provided, in terms of the academic and vocational competencies demonstrated by enrollees prior to successful completion and any academic or work credentials acquired upon completion.
(b) Management plan. (25 points) The Secretary reviews each application to determine the quality of the management plan for the project, including—
(1) The chain of command, how staff will be managed, how coordination among staff will be accomplished, and timelines for each activity;
(2) A clear description of the interrelationship among goals, objectives, and activities;
(3) The way the applicant plans to use the resources and personnel from the grant to achieve each objective; and
(4) How any contracts awarded by the grantee will be awarded, monitored, and evaluated.
(c) Key personnel. (10 points)
(1) The Secretary reviews each application to determine the quality of key personnel the applicant plans to use on the project, including—
(i) The qualifications of the project director;
(ii) The qualifications of each of the other key personnel to be used on the project;
(iii) The time, including justification for the time, that each one of the key personnel, including the project director, will commit to the proposed project; and
(iv) How the applicant, as part of its nondiscriminatory employment practices, will ensure that personnel for this project are selected for employment without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, age, or disabling condition.
(2) To determine personnel qualifications, the Secretary considers—
(i) The experience and training of key personnel in project management and in fields particularly related to the objectives of the project; and
(ii) Any other qualifications of key personnel that pertain to the quality of the project.
(d) Evaluation plan. (10 points)
(1) The Secretary reviews each application to determine the quality of the project's plan for an independent evaluation of the project, including, if applicable, the extent to which the plan includes activities during the formative stages of the project to help guide and improve the project, as well as a final evaluation that includes summary data and recommendations.
(2) The Secretary reviews each application to determine whether, for any training programs proposed—
(i) The plan identifies, at a minimum, types of data to be collected and reported with respect to the academic and vocational competencies demonstrated by participants and the number and kinds of academic and work credentials acquired by completers; and
(ii) The plan identifies, at a minimum, types of data to be collected and reported with respect to enrollment, completion, and placement of participants by sex and socio-economic status for each occupation for which training is provided.
(e) Budget and cost-effectiveness. (5 points) The Secretary reviews each application to determine the extent to which—
(1) The budget is detailed and tied to the proposed activities;
(2) The budget narrative is explanatory and justifies expenses;
(3) The budget is adequate to support the project; and
(4) Costs are reasonable in relation to the objectives of the project.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under Control No. 1830-0013)

Code of Federal Regulations

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 2313(c) )