370.11—What requirements apply to a notice of proposed redesignation?
Prior to any redesignation of the agency that conducts the CAP, the Governor shall give written notice of the proposed redesignation to the designated agency, the State Rehabilitation Advisory Council (SRAC), and the State Independent Living Council (SILC) and publish a public notice of the Governor's intention to redesignate. Both the notice to the designated agency, the SRAC, and the SILC and the public notice must include, at a minimum, the following:
The reason or reasons for proposing the redesignation, including why the Governor believes good cause exists for the proposed redesignation.
Advise the designated agency that it has at least 30 days from receipt of the notice of proposed redesignation to respond to the Governor and that the response must be in writing.
The notice of proposed redesignation must be published in a place and manner that provides the SRAC, the SILC, individuals with disabilities or their representatives, and the public with at least 30 days to submit oral or written comments to the Governor.
Following public notice, public hearings concerning the proposed redesignation must be conducted in an accessible format that provides individuals with disabilities or their representatives an opportunity for comment. The Governor shall maintain a written public record of these hearings.
The Governor shall fully consider any public comments before issuing a written decision to redesignate.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1820-0520)