350.53—How does the Secretary evaluate an application?

(a) (1) The Secretary selects one or more of the selection criteria in § 350.54 to evaluate an application;
(ii) The Secretary establishes selection criteria based on statutory provisions that apply to the Program which may include, but are not limited to—
(A) Specific statutory selection criteria;
(B) Allowable activities;
(C) Application content requirements; or
(D) Other pre-award and post-award conditions; or
(iii) The Secretary uses a combination of selection criteria established under paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section and selection criteria in § 350.54.
(2) For Field-Initiated Projects, the Secretary does not consider § 350.54(b) (Responsiveness to the Absolute or Competitive Priority) in evaluating an application.
(b) (1) In considering selection criteria in § 350.54, the Secretary selects one or more of the factors listed in the criteria except as provided for in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.
(2) Under § 350.54, the Secretary always considers the factor in paragraph (n)(2) of that section.
(c) The maximum possible score for an application is 100 points.
(d) (1) In the application package or a notice published in the Federal Register, the Secretary informs applicants of—
(i) (A) The selection criteria chosen; and
(B) The maximum possible score for each of the selection criteria; and
(ii) (A) The factors selected for considering the selection criteria; and
(B) If points are assigned to each factor, the maximum possible score for each factor under each criterion.
(2) If no points are assigned to each factor, the Secretary evaluates each factor equally.
(e) For Field-Initiated Projects, in addition to the selection criteria, the Secretary uses the additional considerations in selecting applications for funding as described in § 350.55.

Code of Federal Regulations

(Authority: Sec. 202(e); 29 U.S.C. 761a(e) )