Advise and assist the lead agency in the development and implementation of the policies that constitute the statewide system;
Assist the lead agency in achieving the full participation, coordination, and cooperation of all appropriate public agencies in the State;
Assist the lead agency in the effective implementation of the statewide system, by establishing a process that includes—
Seeking information from service providers, service coordinators, parents, and others about any Federal, State, or local policies that impede timely service delivery; and
Taking steps to ensure that any policy problems identified under paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section are resolved; and
Each Council may advise and assist the lead agency and the State educational agency regarding the provision of appropriate services for children aged birth to five, inclusive.
Each Council may advise appropriate agencies in the State with respect to the integration of services for infants and toddlers with disabilities and at-risk infants and toddlers and their families, regardless of whether at-risk infants and toddlers are eligible for early intervention services in the State.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1820-0550)