303.360—Comprehensive system of personnel development.
Be consistent with the comprehensive system of personnel development required under part B of the Act ( 34 CFR 300.380 through 300.387);
Provide for preservice and inservice training to be conducted on an interdisciplinary basis, to the extent appropriate;
Provide for the training of a variety of personnel needed to meet the requirements of this part, including public and private providers, primary referral sources, paraprofessionals, and persons who will serve as service coordinators; and
Meeting the interrelated social or emotional, health, developmental, and educational needs of eligible children under this part; and
Assisting families in enhancing the development of their children, and in participating fully in the development and implementation of IFSPs.
Implementing innovative strategies and activities for the recruitment and retention of early intervention service providers;
Promoting the preparation of early intervention providers who are fully and appropriately qualified to provide early intervention services under this part;
Training personnel to coordinate transition services for infants and toddlers with disabilities from an early intervention program under this part to a preschool program under part B of the Act or to other preschool or other appropriate services.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1820-0550)