3.4—Use of the seal.
Use by any person or organization outside of the Department may be made only with the Department's prior written approval.
Requests by any person or organization outside of the Department for permission to use the Seal must be made in writing to Director of Public Affairs, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20202, and must specify, in detail, the exact use to be made. Any permission granted applies only to the specific use for which it was granted and is not to be construed as permission for any other use.
For display in or adjacent to ED facilities, in Departmental auditoriums, presentation rooms, hearing rooms, lobbies, and public document rooms;
For electronic media, motion picture film, video tape and other audiovisual media prepared by or for ED and attributed thereto;
In non-ED facilities in connection with events and displays sponsored by ED, and public appearances of the Secretary or other senior ED officials; and
On official publications or graphics issued by and attributed to ED, or joint statements of ED with one or more other Federal agencies, State or local governments, or foreign governments;
On electronic media, motion picture film, video tape, and other audiovisual media prepared by or for ED and attributed thereto; and
On ED legal documents, including interagency or intergovernmental agreements, agreements with State or local governments, foreign patent applications, certification(s) of true copies, and similar documents;
Falsely making, forging, counterfeiting, mutilating, or altering the Official Seal, replicas, reproductions, or embossing seals, or knowingly using or possessing with fraudulent intent and altered official seal, replica, reproduction or embossing seal is punishable under 18 U.S.C. 506.
Any person using the Official Seal, replicas, reproductions, or embossing seals in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of this part is subject to the provisions of 18 U.S.C. 1017, which states penalties for the wrongful use of an Official Seal, and to other provisions of law as applicable.