280.20—How does one apply for a grant?
Each eligible LEA or consortium of LEAs that desires to receive assistance under this part shall submit an annual application to the Secretary.
Will use funds made available under this part for the purposes specified in section 5301(b) of the Act;
Will not engage in discrimination based upon race, religion, color, national origin, sex, or disability in the hiring, promotion, or assignment of employees of the agency or other personnel for whom the agency has any administrative responsibility;
Will not engage in discrimination based upon race, religion, color, national origin, sex, or disability in the assignment of students to schools or to courses of instruction within schools of the agency, except to carry out the approved desegregation plan;
Will not engage in discrimination based upon race, religion, color, national origin, sex, or disability in designing or operating extracurricular activities for students;
Will carry out a high-quality education program that will encourage greater parental decisionmaking and involvement; and
Will give students residing in the local attendance area of the proposed magnet school program equitable consideration for placement in the program, consistent with desegregation guidelines and the capacity of the applicant to accommodate students.
In addition to the assurances listed in paragraph (b) of this section, the LEA or consortium of LEAs shall provide such other assurances as the Secretary determines necessary to carry out the provisions of this part.
Upon request, the LEA or consortium of LEAs shall submit any information that is necessary for the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights to determine whether the assurances required in paragraphs (b) (3), (4), and (5) of this section will be met.
An LEA or consortium of LEAs that has an approved desegregation plan shall submit each of the following with its application:
An LEA or consortium of LEAs that does not have an approved desegregation plan shall submit each of the following with its application:
A copy of a school board resolution or other evidence of final official action adopting and implementing the plan, or agreeing to adopt and implement it upon the award of assistance under this part.
Enrollment numbers and percentages, for minority and non-minority group students, for each magnet school for which funding is sought and each feeder school—
For each of the school years of the proposed grant cycle (i.e., projected enrollment figures); and
Districtwide enrollment numbers and percentages for minority group students in the LEA's or consortium of LEAs' schools, for grade levels involved in the applicant's magnet schools (e.g., K-6, 7-9, 10-12)—
Enrollment numbers and percentages, for minority and non-minority group students, for each magnet school for which funding is sought and for each feeder school—
For each of the school years of the proposed grant cycle (i.e., projected enrollment figures); and
Districtwide numbers and percentages of minority group students in the LEA's or consortium of LEAs' schools, for the grade levels involved in the applicant's magnet schools (e.g., K-6, 7-9, 10-12)—
An applicant that does not have an approved desegregation plan, and demonstrates that it cannot provide some portion of the information requested under paragraphs (f)(4) and (5) of this section, may provide other information (in lieu of that portion of the information not provided in response to paragraphs (f)(4) and (5) of this section) to demonstrate that the creation or operation of its proposed magnet school would reduce, eliminate, or prevent minority group isolation in the applicant's schools.
After reviewing the information provided in response to paragraph (f)(4) or (5) of this section, or as provided under paragraph (g) of this section, the Secretary may request other information, if necessary (e.g., demographic data concerning the attendance areas in which the magnet schools are or will be located), to determine whether to approve an LEA's or consortium of LEAs' plan.
In addition to including the assurances required by this section, an LEA or consortium of LEAs shall describe in its application—
How the applicant will use assistance made available under this part to promote desegregation, including how the proposed magnet school programs will increase interaction among students of different social, economic, ethnic, and racial backgrounds;
How and to what extent the assistance will increase student academic achievement in instructional areas offered;
How the LEA or consortium of LEAs will continue the magnet schools program after assistance under this part is no longer available, including, if applicable, why magnet schools previously established or supported with Magnet Schools Assistance Program grant funds cannot be continued without the use of funds under this part;
Implement services and activities that are consistent with other programs under the Act and other statutes, as appropriate; and
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1855-0011)