263.9—When does payback begin?

(a) For all participants who complete their training under the Professional Development program, payback shall begin within six months from the date of completion of the training.
(b) For participants who do not complete their training under the Professional Development program, payback shall begin within six months from the date the fellow leaves the Professional Development program, unless he or she continues as a full-time student without interruption, in a program leading to a degree in an accredited institution of higher education.
(1) If the participant leaves the Professional Development program, but plans to continue his or her education as a full-time student, the Secretary may defer the payback requirement until the participant has completed his or her educational program. Written requests for deferment shall be submitted to the Secretary within 30 days of leaving the Professional Development program and shall provide the following information—
(i) The name of the accredited institution the student will be attending;
(ii) A copy of the letter of admission from the institution;
(iii) The degree being sought; and
(iv) The projected date of completion.
(2) After approval by the Secretary for deferment of the payback provision on the basis of continuing as a full-time student, former participants are required to submit to the Secretary a status report from an academic advisor or other authorized representative of the institution of higher education, showing verification of enrollment and status, after every grading period.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1810-0580)

Code of Federal Regulations

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7442 )