263.5—What priority is given to certain projects and applicants?

(a) The Secretary awards a total of 5 points to an application submitted by an Indian tribe, Indian organization, or an Indian institution of higher education that is eligible to participate in the Professional Development program. A consortium application of eligible entities that meets the requirements of 34 CFR 75.127 through 75.129 of EDGAR and includes an Indian tribe, Indian organization or Indian institution of higher education will be considered eligible to receive the 5 priority points. The consortium agreement, signed by all parties, must be submitted with the application in order to be considered as a consortium application.
(b) The Secretary awards a total of 5 points to an application submitted by a consortium of eligible applicants that includes a tribal college or university and that designates that tribal college or university as the fiscal agent for the application. The consortium application of eligible entities must meet the requirements of 34 CFR 75.127 through 75.129 of EDGAR to be considered eligible to receive the 5 priority points. These competitive preference points are in addition to the 5 competitive preference points that may be given under paragraph (a) of this section. The consortium agreement, signed by all parties, must be submitted with the application in order to be considered as a consortium application.
(c) The Secretary may give absolute preference reserving all or a portion of the funds available for new awards under the Professional Development program, to only those applications that meet one of the following priorities selected for a fiscal year. The Secretary announces the absolute priority selected in the annual application notice published in the Federal Register.
(1) Pre-Service training for teachers. This priority provides support and training to Indian individuals to complete a pre-service education program that enables these individuals to meet the requirements for full State certification or licensure as a teacher through—
(i) Training that leads to a bachelor's degree in education before the end of the award period; or
(ii) For States allowing a degree in a specific subject area, training that leads to a bachelor's degree in the subject area as long as the training meets the requirements for full State teacher certification or licensure; or
(iii) Training in a current or new specialized teaching assignment that requires at least a bachelor's degree and in which a documented teacher shortage exists; and
(iv) One-year induction services after graduation, certification, or licensure, provided during the award period to graduates of the pre-service program while they are completing their first year of work in schools with significant Indian student populations.

Code of Federal Regulations

Note to paragraph (c)(1): In working with various institutions of higher education and State certification/licensure requirements, we found that States requiring a degree in a specific subject area (e.g., specialty areas or teaching at the secondary level) generally require a Master's degree or fifth-year requirement before an individual can be certified or licensed as a teacher. These students would be eligible to participate as long as their training meets the requirements for full State certification or licensure as a teacher.
(2) Pre-service administrator training. This priority provides—
(i) Support and training to Indian individuals to complete a master's degree in education administration that is provided before the end of the award period and that allows participants to meet the requirements for State certification or licensure as an education administrator; and
(ii) One year of induction services, during the award period, to participants after graduation, certification, or licensure, while they are completing their first year of work as administrators in schools with significant Indian student populations.

Code of Federal Regulations

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7442 and 7473 )