263.10—What are the payback reporting requirements?

(a) Notice of intent. Participants shall submit to the Secretary, within 30 days of completion of their training program, a written notice of intent to complete a work-related or cash payback, or to continue in a degree program as a full-time student.
(b) Work-related payback. If the participant proposes a work-related payback, the written notice of intent shall include information explaining how the work-related service is related to the training received and how it benefits Indian people.
(1) For work-related service, the Secretary shall review each participant's payback plan to determine if the work-related service is related to the training received and that it benefits Indian people. The Secretary approves the payback plan if a determination is made that the work-related service to be performed is related to the training received and benefits Indian people, meets all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and is otherwise appropriate.
(2) The payback plan for work-related service shall identify where, when, the type of service, and for whom the work will be performed.
(3) A participant shall notify the Secretary in writing of any change in the work-related service being performed within 30 days of such change.
(4) For work-related payback, individuals shall submit a status report every six months beginning from the date the work-related service is to begin. The reports shall include a certification from the participant's employer that the service(s) have been performed without interruption.
(5) For participants that initiate, but cannot complete, a work-related payback, the payback reverts to a cash payback that is prorated based upon the amount of time the work-related payback has been completed.
(c) Cash payback. If a cash payback is to be made, the Department will contact the participant to establish an appropriate schedule for payments.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1810-0580)

Code of Federal Regulations

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7442 )