SUBPART C—Payments for Federally Connected Children Under Section 8003(b) and (e) of the Act (§222.30 to §222.42-222.49)
- 222.30—What is “free public education”?
- 222.31—To which local educational agencies does the Secretary make basic support payments under section 8003(b) of the Act?
- 222.32—Upon what information is a local educational agency's basic support payment based?
- 222.33—When must an applicant make its first or only membership count?
- 222.34—If an applicant makes a second membership count, when must that count be made?
- 222.35—How does a local educational agency count the membership of its federally connected children?
- 222.36—What minimum number of federally connected children must a local educational agency have to receive a payment on behalf of those children under section 8003(b) and (e)?
- 222.37—How does the Secretary calculate the average daily attendance of federally connected children?
- 222.38—What is the maximum basic support payment that a local educational agency may receive under section 8003(b)?
- 222.39—How does a State educational agency identify generally comparable local educational agencies for local contribution rate purposes?
- 222.40—How does a local educational agency select a local contribution rate based on generally comparable local educational agencies?
- 222.41—How does a State educational agency compute local contribution rates based upon generally comparable local educational agencies?