222.64—What other requirements must a local educational agency meet in order to be eligible for financial assistance under section 8003(f)(2)(B)?

Subject to § 222.65, an LEA described in § 222.62(d) is eligible for financial assistance under section 8003(f)(2)(B) if the Secretary determines that the LEA meets all of the following requirements—
(a) The LEA complies with the requirements of § 222.63(a) -(d).
(b) (1) As part of its section 8003(f) application, the LEA provides the Secretary with documentation that demonstrates that the LEA is unable to provide a level of education equivalent to that provided by its generally comparable LEAs because—
(i) The applicant's current expenditures are affected by unusual geographical factors; and
(ii) As a result, those current expenditures are not reasonably comparable to the current expenditures of its generally comparable LEAs.
(2) The LEA's application must include—
(i) A specific description of the unusual geographical factors on which the applicant is basing its request for compensation under this section and objective data demonstrating that the applicant is more severely affected by these factors than any other LEA in its State;
(ii) Objective data demonstrating the specific ways in which the unusual geographical factors affect the applicant's current expenditures so that they are not reasonably comparable to the current expenditures of its generally comparable LEAs;
(iii) Objective data demonstrating the specific ways in which the unusual geographical factors prevent the applicant from providing a level of education equivalent to that provided by its generally comparable LEAs; and
(iv) Any other information that the Secretary may require to make an eligibility determination under this section.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1810-0036)

Code of Federal Regulations

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7703(f) )