222.184—What information must an application contain?
An application for an emergency or modernization grant must contain the following information:
For an applicant under section 8003(b) of the Act, the number of federally connected children described in section 8003(a)(1) enrolled in the school facility, as well as the total enrollment in the facility, for which the LEA is seeking a grant; or
For an applicant under section 8002 of the Act, the total enrollment, for the preceding year, in the LEA and in the school facility for which the LEA is seeking a grant, based on the fall State count date.
The identification of the LEA's interest in, or authority over, the school facility involved, such as an ownership interest or a lease arrangement.
The original construction date of the school facility that the LEA proposes to renovate or modernize.
The dates of any major renovations of that school facility and the areas of the school covered by the renovations.
State average assessed value per pupil of real property available to be taxed for school purposes;
Local real property tax levy, in mills or dollars, used to generate funds for capital expenditures; and
A description of the need for funds and the proposed project for which a grant under this subpart L would be used, including a cost estimate for the project.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1810-0657)