1100.6—What priorities may the Director establish?
The Director may, through a notice published in the Federal Register, select annually one or more priorities for funding. These priorities may be chosen from the areas of greatest immediate concern to the Institute and may include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
(a) Developing leadership in adult learners.
Because adult learners are the true experts on literacy, they are an important resource for the field. Their firsthand experience as “customers” of the literacy system can be invaluable in assisting the field in moving forward, particularly in terms of raising public awareness and understanding about literacy.
(b) Expanding the use of technology in literacy programs.
One of the Institute's major projects is the Literacy Information aNd Communication System (LINCS), an Internet-based information system that provides timely information and abundant resources to the literacy community. Keeping the literacy community up to date in the Information Age is vital.
(c) Improving accountability for literacy programs.
Literacy programs must develop accountability systems that demonstrate their effectiveness in helping adult learners contribute more fully in the workplace, family and community. There is growing interest in results-oriented literacy practice, especially as related to the Equipped for the Future (EFF) framework.
(d) Raising public awareness about literacy.
The Institute is leading a national effort to raise public awareness that literacy is part of the solution to many social concerns, including health, welfare, the economy, and the well-being of children. Projects that enhance this effort will be given priority consideration.