1100.22—How does the Director determine the amount of a fellowship?

The amount of the fellowship will not exceed $70,000, and shall consist of—
(a) A stipend, calculated on the basis of either—
(1) The fellow's current annual salary, prorated for the length of the fellowship salary reimbursement; or
(2) If a fellow has no current salary, the fellow's education and experience; and
(b) A subsistence allowance, materials allowance (covering costs of materials and supplies directly related to the completion of the project), and travel expenses (including expenses to attend quarterly meetings in Washington, DC) related to the fellowship and necessary to complete the scope of work outlined in the proposal, consistent with Title 5 U.S.C. chapter 57.
Each recipient shall—
(a) Provide ED with information that ED determines is necessary to ascertain whether the recipient is in compliance with the Act and these regulations; and
(b) Permit reasonable access by ED to the books, records, accounts, reports, and other recipient facilities and sources of information to the extent ED determines is necessary to ascertain whether a recipient is in compliance with the Act and these regulations.

Code of Federal Regulations

(Authority: 42 U.S.C. 6103 )