1100.20—How is a fellow selected?

(a) The Director selects applications for fellowships on the basis of the selection criteria in § 1100.21 and any priorities that have been published in the Federal Register and are applicable to the selection of applications.
(b) (1) The Director may use experts from the literacy field to rank applications according to the selection criteria in § 1100.21, and then provide the top-ranked applications to the Institute's Advisory Board.
(2) The Institute's Advisory Board evaluates these applications based on the selection criteria in § 1100.21 and makes funding recommendations to the Director.
(3) The Director then determines the number of awards to be made in each fellowship category and the order in which applications will be selected for fellowships, based on the initial rank order, recommendations by the board, and any other information relevant to any of the selection criteria, applicable priorities, or the purposes of the Literacy Leader Fellowship Program, including whether the selection of an application would increase the diversity of fellowship projects under this program.
Each ED recipient has primary responsibility for ensuring that its program or activity is in compliance with the Act and these regulations and shall take steps to eliminate violations of the Act. A recipient also has responsibility to maintain records, provide information, and to afford ED access to its records to the extent required for ED to determine whether the recipient is in compliance with the Act and these regulations.

Code of Federal Regulations

(Authority: 42 U.S.C. 6103 )

Code of Federal Regulations

[58 FR 40197, July 27, 1993, as amended at 65 FR 68057, Nov. 13, 2000]