96.440—How will the Coast Guard decide whether to approve an organization's request to be authorized?
First, the Coast Guard will evaluate the organization's request for authorization and supporting written materials, looking for evidence of the following—
Procedures for auditor training, qualification, certification, and requalification that are consistent with recognized industry standards;
Procedures for auditing safety management systems that are consistent with recognized industry standards and IMO Resolution A.788(19);
Overall procedures consistent with IMO Resolution A.739(18), “Guidelines for the Authorization of Organizations Acting on Behalf of the Administration.”
After a favorable evaluation of the organization's written request, the Coast Guard will arrange to visit the organization's corporate offices and port offices for an on-site evaluation of operations.
When a request is approved, the recognized organization and the Coast Guard will enter into a written agreement. This agreement will define the scope, terms, conditions and requirements of the authorization. Conditions of this agreement are found in § 96.460 of this part.