72.01-5—Local Notice to Mariners.

(a) “Local Notice to Mariners” reports changes to and deficiencies in aids to navigation that are established or maintained and operated by or under the authority of the Coast Guard, and any other information pertaining to the waterways within each Coast Guard district that is of interest to the mariner.
(b) “Local Notice to Mariners” is published and issued weekly by each Coast Guard district or more often if there is a need to notify mariners of local waterway information.
(c) Any person may apply to the local Coast Guard District Office to be placed on the mailing list for the “Local Notice to Mariners.” The “Local Notice to Mariners” is mailed to the public free of charge.

Code of Federal Regulations

Note to § 72.01-5 : You may also access Local Notice to Mariners free of charge on the Internet from the Coast Guard Navigation Center's Web site (http://www.navcen.uscg.gov/°); look for “Local Notice to Mariners”.

Code of Federal Regulations

[CGD 70-147R, 37 FR 10669, May 26, 1972, as amended by USCG-2001-10714, 69 FR 24984, May 5, 2004]