334.940—Pacific Ocean in vicinity of San Pedro, Calif.; practice firing range for U.S. Army Reserve, National Guard, and Coast Guard units.
(2) Zone B.
An area extending southwest and northwest from Point Vicente, described as follows: Beginning at Point Vicente Light, latitude 33°44′30″, longitude 118°24′36″; thence southwesterly to latitude 33°43′42″, longitude 118°25′24″; thence northwesterly to latitude 33°46′30″, longitude 118°27′06″; thence southeasterly to the shore, latitude 33°44′54″, longitude 118°24′42″; and thence southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.
(b) The regulations.
Intermittent firing may take place in the danger zone on any day from sunrise to sunset.
Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the danger zone will be open to fishing and general navigation. When firing is not scheduled the danger zone may be occupied without restriction. When firing is in progress safety observers will be maintained to warn all vessels. Notice to vacate the area, or to stop at the boundaries, will be given by siren, patrol vessel, or other effective means, and such notice shall be promptly obeyed. All vessels permitted to enter the danger zone during a firing period, other than those owned by and operated by or under the direction of the U.S. Government, shall proceed across the area by the most direct route and clear the area with the greatest possible dispatch. No person shall enter the water and no vessel, fishing boat, or recreational craft shall anchor in the danger zone during an actual firing period.
Nothing in this section shall be construed as relieving the owner or person in charge of a vessel from any penalties for obstructing navigation, or for obstructing or interfering with range lights, or for not complying with the navigation laws in regard to lights and fog signals, or for otherwise violating any law or regulations.
The regulations in this section shall be enforced by the Commanding Officer, Fort MacArthur, California, and such agencies as he may designate.