334.500—St. Johns River, Atlantic Ocean, Sherman Creek; restricted areas and danger zone, Naval Station Mayport, Florida.
(a) The areas.
The St. Johns River restricted area and the Atlantic Ocean restricted area described in paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(3) of this section, respectively, are contiguous but each area is described separately for clarification.
(2) St. Johns River restricted area.
This restricted area shall encompass all navigable waters of the United States, as defined at 33 CFR 329, within the area bounded by a line connecting the following coordinates: Commencing from the shoreline at latitude 30°23′52.97″ N, longitude 081°25′36.51″ W; thence to latitude 30°23′56.71″ N, longitude 081°25′36.51″ W; then the line meanders irregularly, follow the shoreline at a distance of 380 feet seaward from the mean high water line to a point at latitude 30°23′54.20″ N, longitude 081°24′14.11″ W, thence proceed directly to latitude 30°23′46.33″ N, longitude 081°24′03.73″ W, then the line meanders irregularly, follow the shoreline at a distance of 380 feet seaward from the mean high water line to a point at latitude 30°23′53.08″ N, longitude 081°23′34.00″ W, thence follow the arc of a circle with a radius of 466 feet, centered at latitude 30°23′48.52″ N, longitude 081°23′33.30″ W, to a point on the jetty at latitude 30°23′50.06″ N, longitude 081°23′28.26″ W.
(3) Atlantic Ocean restricted area.
From the last point identified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, latitude 30°23′50.06″ N, longitude 081°23′28.26″ W, proceed to a point at latitude 30°23′49.12″ N, longitude 81°23′28.10″ W, then the line meanders irregularly, follow the shoreline at a distance of 380 feet seaward from the mean high water line to a point at latitude 30°22′54.37″ N, longitude 081°23′44.09″ W, thence proceed directly to shore to terminate at latitude 30°22′54.46″ N, longitude 081°23′48.44″ W.
(4) Sherman Creek restricted area.
This restricted area shall encompass all navigable waters of the United States, as defined at 33 CFR part 329, to include Sherman Creek, its tributaries and associated tidal marshes located within the NAVSTA Mayport area boundaries described in this section. The restricted area is completely encircled by roadways and is bordered on the south by Wonderwood Expressway, on the west by SR A1A, on the north by Perimeter Road, and on the east by Mayport Road.
(5) Danger zone.
The danger zone shall encompass all navigable waters of the United States, as defined at 33 CFR part 329, within the area bounded by a line connecting the following coordinates: Commencing from the shoreline at latitude 30°24′00.31″ N, longitude 081°25′06.02″ W; thence to latitude 30°24′11.16″ N, longitude 081°25′03.90″ W; thence to latitude 30°24′00.62″ N, longitude 081°24′10.13″ W; thence to a point on the shoreline riprap at latitude 30°23′41.26″ N, longitude 081°24′08.82″ W.
(b) The regulations—
(1) St. Johns River restricted area.
All persons, vessels, or other craft are prohibited from entering, transiting, drifting, dredging, or anchoring within the area described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section without the permission of the Commanding Officer, NAVSTA Mayport or his/her authorized representative. This restriction will be in place 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Warning signs notifying individuals of the restricted area boundary and prohibiting entry into the area will be posted at 500-foot intervals along the property boundary.
(2) Atlantic Ocean restricted area.
All persons, vessels, or other craft are prohibited from entering, transiting, drifting, dredging, or anchoring within the area described in paragraph (a)(3) of this section without the permission of the Commanding Officer, NAVSTA Mayport or his/her authorized representative. This restriction will be in place 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Warning signs notifying individuals of the restricted area boundary and prohibiting entry into the area will be posted at 500-foot intervals along the property boundary.
(3) Sherman Creek restricted area.
All persons, vessels, or other craft are prohibited from entering, transiting, drifting, dredging, or anchoring within the area described in paragraph (a)(4) of this section without the permission of the Commanding Officer, NAVSTA Mayport or his/her authorized representative. This restriction will be in place 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Warning signs notifying individuals of the restricted area boundary and prohibiting entry into the area will be posted at 500-foot intervals along the property boundary where practicable (e.g., not in the wetlands). In addition, a floating Small Craft Intrusion Barrier will be placed across Sherman Creek just east of the A1A bridge and another will be placed across tributaries to Sherman Creek just north of the Wonderwood Expressway.
(4) Danger zone.
During periods of munitions movement at wharves Bravo and Charlie, no person or vessel shall be allowed to remain within the 1,250-foot Explosive Safety Quantity-Distance arcs generated by the activity. NAVSTA Mayport will not announce or publish notification prior to enforcing this regulation due to the unacceptable security threat posed by advance public notice of military munitions movements.
(c) Enforcement.
The regulations in this section shall be enforced by the Commanding Officer, NAVSTA Mayport and/or such persons or agencies as he/she may designate. Military vessels will patrol the areas identified in this section 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Any person or vessel encroaching within the areas identified in this section will be asked to immediately leave the area. Failure to do so will result in the forceful removal of the person or vessel from the area in question.