334.310—Chesapeake Bay, Lynnhaven Roads; navy amphibious training area.
(a) The restricted area.
Beginning at latitude 36°55′47″, longitude 76°11′04.5″; thence to latitude 36°59′04″, longitude 76°10′11″; thence to latitude 36°58′28.5″, longitude 76°07′54″; thence to latitude 36°55′27.5″, longitude 76°08′42″; thence westerly along the shore and across the mouth of Little Creek to the point of beginning.
(b) The regulations.
No fish-pound stakes or structures shall be allowed in the restricted area.
No person or vessel shall approach within 300 yards of any naval vessel or within 600 yards of any vessel displaying the red “baker” burgee.
This section shall be enforced by the Commandant, Fifth Naval District, and such agencies as he may designate.