334.220—Chesapeake Bay, south of Tangier Island, Va.; naval firing range.
(a) The danger zone.
Beginning at latitude 37°46′39″, longitude 75°57′43″, thence to latitude 37°43′42″, longitude 75°55′30″; thence to latitude 37°27′00″, longitude 76°02′48″; thence to latitude 37°27′00″; longitude 76°08′00″; thence to latitude 37°45′00″, longitude 76°09′48″; thence to latitude 37°45′00″, longitude 76°08′51″; and thence along the circumference of a circle of five nautical miles radius whose center is at latitude 37°47′54″, longitude 76°03′48″, to the point of beginning.
(b) The regulations.
Any vessel propelled by mechanical means or by sail at a speed greater than five knots may proceed through the danger zone to and from points without, but not from one point to another point within, the area, except when especially notified to the contrary.
All vessels, other than naval craft, are forbidden to anchor within the danger zone except in cases of great emergency. All vessels anchoring under circumstances of great emergency within the area shall leave the area immediately after the emergency ceases or upon notification by the enforcing agency.
Fishing, oystering, clamming, crabbing, and other aquatic activities are forbidden within the limits of the danger zone, except that existing fishing structures licensed by the State of Virginia may be maintained and operated: Provided, The owners thereof obtain written permits from the enforcing agency designated in paragraph (b)(5) of this section.
Day and night firing over the range will be conducted intermittently by one or more vessels, depending on weather and operating schedules. When firing is in progress, adequate patrol by naval craft will be conducted to prevent vessels from entering or remaining within the danger zone.
This section shall be enforced by the Commandant, Fifth Naval District, U. S. Naval Base, Norfolk, Virginia, and such agencies as he may designate.
[13 FR 6918, Nov. 24, 1948, as amended at 22 FR 6965, Dec. 4, 1957. Redesignated at 50 FR 42696, Oct. 22, 1985]