334.1320—Kuluk Bay, Adak, Alaska; naval restricted area.
(a) The area.
The northwest portion of Kuluk Bay bounded as follows: Beginning on shore at latitude 51°55′00″ N, longitude 176°33′09″ W; thence due east to latitude 51°55′00″ N, longitude 176°33′09″ W; thence due south to latitude 51°51′55″ N longitude 176°31′09″ W; thence due west to the shore at latitude 51°51′00″ N, longitude 176°37′43″ W; thence along the shoreline to the point of beginning.
(b) The regulations.
Except in great emergency, no vessel shall anchor in the restricted area described above.
The dragging of anchors in or across the restricted area is prohibited and no object attached to a vessel shall be placed on or near the bottom.
The regulation of this restricted area shall be enforced by the Commander, Patrol Wing, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Naval Air Station Moffett Field, California, and such agencies and he/she may designate.