334.130—Atlantic Ocean off Wallops Island and Chincoteague Inlet, Va.; danger zone.
(a) The area.
An area immediately offshore from Wallops Island defined by lines drawn as follows: Beginning at latitude 37°51′30″ N., longitude 75°27′30″ W.; thence to latitude 37°51′30″ N., longitude 75°17′12″ W.; thence to latitude 37°43′18″ N., longitude 75°29′42″ W.; and thence to latitude 37°49′18″ N., longitude 75°29′42″ W.
(b) The regulations.
Persons and vessels may enter and operate in the danger zone at all times when warning signals are not displayed.
When warning signals are displayed, all persons and vessels in the danger zone, except vessels entering or departing Chincoteague Inlet, shall leave the zone promptly by the shortest possible route and shall remain outside the zone until allowed by a patrol boat to enter or the dangers signal has been discontinued. Vessels entering or departing Chincoteague Inlet shall take the shortest passage possible through the danger zone upon display of the danger signal.
The intent to conduct rocket-launching operations involving the area shall be indicated by a signal consisting of a large orange-colored, “blimp-shaped” balloon by day and a signal rotating alternately red and white beacon by night. The balloon shall be flown at latitude 37°50′38″, longitude 75°28′47″ and the beacon shall be displayed about 200 feet above mean high water at latitude 37°50′16″, longitude 75°29′07″. The appropriate one of these signals shall be displayed 30 minutes prior to rocket-launching time and shall remain displayed until danger no longer exists.
The regulations in this section shall be enforced by the Director, Wallops Station, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Wallops Island, Va., or such agencies as he may designate.