334.1200—Strait of Juan de Fuca, eastern end; off the westerly shore of Whidbey Island; naval restricted areas.
(a) Area No. 1.
Bounded by a line commencing at latitude 48°20′57″ N., longitude 122°40′39″ W.; thence to latitude 48°20′40″ N., longitude 122°42′59″ W.; thence to latitude 48°21′19″ N., longitude 122°43′02″ W.; thence to latitude 48°21′13″ N., longitude 122°40′26″ W.; and thence along the shore line to the point of beginning.
(b) Area No. 2.
Bounded by a line commencing at latitude 48°21′53″ N., longitude 122°40′00″ W.; thence to latitude 48°23′12″ N., longitude 122°41′17″ W.; thence to latitude 48°23′29″ N., longitude 122°40′22″ W.; thence to latitude 48°22′21″ N., longitude 122°39′50″ W.; and thence along the shore line to the point of beginning.
All persons and vessels entering these areas shall be obliged to comply with orders received from naval sources pertaining to their movements while in the areas.
The regulations in this paragraph shall be enforced by the Commander, Naval Base, Seattle, and such agencies as he/she may designate.