334.1170—San Pablo Bay, Calif.; gunnery range, Naval Inshore Operations Training Center, Mare Island, Vallejo.
Latitude | Longitude |
38°02′08″ | 122°25′17″ |
38°02′21″ | 122°22′55″ |
38°05′48″ | 122°19′34″ |
38°07′46″ | 122°23′23″ |
Code of Federal Regulations
(b) The regulations.
The Commanding Officer, Coastal River Division Eleven, Department of the Navy, Mare Island, Vallejo, California, will conduct gunnery practice in the area during the period April 1 through September 30, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month and the third full weekend (Saturday and Sunday) of June. No persons or vessels shall enter or remain in the danger zone during the above stated periods except those persons and vessels connected with the gunnery practice operations. All firing will be from the southerly portion of the danger zone in a northerly direction, and only during good visibility. The public will be notified prior to each firing by a Notice to Mariners issued by the U.S. Coast Guard and the area will be patrolled by boat and searched by radar to insure a clear range. A safety officer will always be aboard the firing boat to guarantee that all safety precautions are observed. The regulations in this section will be enforced by the Commandant, 12th Naval District and such agencies as he may designate.