279.9—Objective rationale.
(a) Statement of objectives.
The last step in this process is the summarization of the preceding work by clearly stating the objective(s) and providing the rationale, impact, and basic management measures for their accomplishment. The logic, trade-offs, and judgments made in the process should be presented in a concise and readable manner. The impacts, both beneficial and adverse, that will result from attaining objectives selected must be presented. General implementation measures (e.g., campground development, use of fish attractors, limiting use in environmentally sensitive areas, lake fluctuation control, etc.) should be stated as a guide for the preparation of detailed development plans and management actions to achieve the objectives.
(b) Purpose of objectives.
The resource use objectives for each project will guide the design, development and management of the resource base to obtain the greatest possible benefit through meeting the needs of the public and to protect and enhance environmental quality. The resource use objectives should be reflected in reports and plans relating to a study or restudy of water resource projects. Management actions on existing projects, including leasing and licensing, will also be directed towards the attainment of the approved resource use objectives.