263.27—Authority for mitigation of shore damage attributable to navigation works (Section 111).

(a) Legislative authority. Section 111 of the River and Harbor Act of 1968 (Pub. L. 90-483, approved August 13, 1968) states:
The Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers is authorized to investigate, study, and construct projects for the prevention or mitigation of shore damages attributable to Federal navigation works. The cost of installing, operation and maintaining shall be borne entirely by the United States. No such projects shall be constructed without specific authorization by Congress if the estimated first cost exceeds $1,000,000.
(b) Definitions— (1) Federal navigation works is defined as a project or feature thereof that has been specifically authorized by the Congress in a River and Harbor Act or authorized under the continuing authorities granted by section 201 or the Flood Control Act of 1965, or by section 107 of the River and Harbor Act of 1960, as amended. These shall include projects or project features built by others but which have been adopted as a Federal Navigation project.
(2) Beach erosion control project is defined as a project that has been specifically authorized by the Congress in a River and Harbor Act or authorized under the continuing authorities granted by section 201 of the Flood Control Act of 1965 or by section 103 of the River and Harbor Act of 1962. This is considered to include the beach erosion control portion of combined beach erosion and hurricane protection projects.
(3) Mitigation of shore damages is defined as the construction of works or procedures to reduce erosion-type damages by shoreline stabilization. The degree of mitigation is the reduction of erosion or accretion to the level which would be obtained without the influence of navigation works at the time navigation works were accepted as a Federal responsibility. It is not intended that shorelines be restored to historic dimensions, but only to lessen the damages by an action that can be justified, the entire costs of which are Federal regardless of shore ownership.
(c) General policies. (1) This Act authorizes the study, construction and maintenance of work for prevention or mitigation of damages to both public and privately owned shores to the extent of the damages that can be directly identified and attributed to Federal navigation work located along the coastal and Great Lakes shorelines of the United States. This authority will not be used:
(i) For construction of works for prevention or mitigation of shore damages such as those caused by river bank erosion or vessel generated wave wash.
(ii) To modify navigation projects authorized, but not constructed, that contain features for prevention or mitigation of shore damages or to change the responsibility for maintenance or to modify portions of constructed navigation projects that contain features for prevention or mitigation of shore damages.
(iii) For prevention or mitigation of shore damages caused by non-Federal navigation projects.
(iv) To construct, maintain, modify or change the cost sharing of authorized beach erosion or combined beach erosion and hurricane protection projects, or portions thereof, located adjacent to Federal navigation projects. Except, when it is determined that shore damage to a portion of an authorized beach erosion project is attributable to the navigation project, mitigation measures may be accomplished under this authority, only to the extent of damages that can be directly identified and attributed to the navigation project.
(2) Where the erosion attributable to the Federal navigation project consists of only a portion of the total erosion problem in a specific area and cannot be considered as a separable reach for effective mitigation measures then a section 111 project cannot be considered for authorization unless,
(i) There is an authorized beach erosion control or combined beach and hurricane protection project for the area with which the section 111 mitigation measures could be combined to become effective, or
(ii) A general study of the entire problem area is made and leads to the development of an authorized beach erosion control project, (specific authority must be obtained to conduct a general study of the entire problem area) or
(iii) Local interests indicate a willingness to have the erosion problem outside the scope of section 111 remedied at local cost.
(d) Cost limitations. Section 111 provides that the Chief of Engineers has authority to authorize projects for which the estimated first costs will not exceed $1,000,000. The first costs will be the cost of the initial preventive or mitigative measures only. The limitation on costs does not include the cost of project maintenance. The project must be planned as a complete unit and not broken into reaches or stages for cost limitation purposes.
(e) Reports. The Recon Report required by § 263.15(c)(1) will:
(1) Determine whether or not Federal navigation works are responsible for causing or contributing to the erosion problem.
(2) Determine the extent of the area affected by the navigation works.
(3) Determine total area experiencing significant erosion.
(4) Determine the approximate percentage of the total erosion problem in a specific area that is attributable to the navigation works.
(5) Recommend whether further study of the specific area affected by the Federal navigation works is justified and whether study of the entire area is desirable.
(f) Evaluation of mitigation measures. The objective of section 111 is to provide mitigation measures for shore damages attributable to Federal navigation projects, when equitable and in the public interest. All practicable alternatives, structural and non-structural should be identified and considered. Work recommended for construction should provide the most practicable and economical means of mitigating existing damages or the prevention of subsequent damages. Justification of mitigation measures should be made by comparing their costs with the values represented by the damages preventable. Any intangible values should be described and given due weight along with the tangible values in this justification. Exercise of the authority of section 111 to provide mitigation measures at Federal expense is not mandatory. A finding for or against its use should fully consider the pre-project conditions and the justification of incurring mitigation costs.
(g) Criteria for a Favorable Recommendation. A recommendation favorable to adoption and construction of work to prevent or mitigate shore damage attributable to a Federal navigation project under the authority of section 111 of the River and Harbor Act of 1968 may be considered warranted when both of the following conditions exist:
(1) The navigation project has been determined to be the cause of the damage.
(2) Analysis based on sound engineering and economic principles clearly demonstrates the feasibility of the proposed work.
(h) Cost sharing— (1) Construction. If the work recommended in the report is confined to mitigation work only under section 111, i.e., erosion totally attributable to the navigation works, costs will be 100 percent Federal.
(ii) If the work recommended is a combination of mitigation under section 111 and restoration of beaches eroded due to other causes and there is no authorized beach erosion project, mitigation work under section 111 will be 100 percent Federal and the remaining work will be 100 percent local.
(iii) If the work recommended in the report is a combination of mitigation under section 111 and the restoration of beaches under an authorized beach erosion project or combination beach erosion-hurricane protection project, the mitigation work under section 111 will be 100 percent Federal and the remainder in accordance with the cost sharing procedures as specified in project authorization documents.
(2) Maintenance. (i) If the initial work is confined to mitigation under section 111, all maintenance costs are 100 percent Federal.
(ii) If the work is a combination of mitigation under section 111 and restoration of beaches eroded due to other causes, and there is no authorized beach erosion project, maintenance costs will be shared in the same proportion as recommended for initial construction, i.e., the section 111 portion will be 100 percent Federal and remaining work 100 percent local.
(iii) If the work is a combination of mitigation under section 111 and an authorized beach erosion control project or combination beach erosion-hurricane protection project, the Federal maintenance cost for the mitigation work under section 111 will be in the same proportion as the damage attributed to the Federal navigation work is to the total damage. For the remaining work the cost sharing procedures of the authorized beach erosion or combined beach erosion-hurricane protection project will apply.
(i) Local cooperation. (1) The law as written provided that the cost of installing, operating and maintaining projects under this authority shall be borne entirely by the United States; therefore there are no requirements for local cooperation. The cost of any lands, easements or rights-of-way required for construction or subsequent maintenance will be borne entirely by the United States.
(2) Where section 111 projects are to be accomplished in conjunction with other works ( § 263.15(a)(2)) local interests will be required to furnish assurance of local cooperation similar to those required for regularly authorized projects for their assigned portion of the work.
(3) Where section 111 projects are to be accomplished in conjunction with authorized projects, the requirements of local cooperation specified in the authorizing document or report will apply.