263.18—Program completion-time objectives.

To provide a Program responsive to local needs, the following target (maximum) completion time objectives are established and should be used to the extent feasible, in scheduling work and programming funds. Shortening of these objectives is encouraged for specific studies and projects when appropriate. However, high standards of planning, design and construction are not to be sacrificed. Attainment of completion-time objectives through intensive management is to be a major concern for those elements and individuals given Program management responsibilities in § 263.16 of this regulation.
Program Authorities, Completion Times in Months
205, 107, 103, and 111 208 and 14 Emergency 14 and 3 1
(a) Completion of recon and submission of funding request or negative report to OCE 2 1 2
(b) Completion of feasibility study by reporting officer and preparation of DPR 16 9 (2 )
(c) Review of DPR or recon report by division engineer, (including provisions of § 263.15(f) ) 2 1 .5
(d) Review of DPR or recon report by OCE 2 1 .5
(e) Completion of project construction (including plans and specifications), after project approval 18 12 3
(f)Total completion-time objective 40 24 6
1 The decision to utilize a recon report or DPR for recommending a project under sec. 14 authority is delegated to the division engineer (§ 263.17(b)(3) ).
2 Not applicable.