Emergency work under this authority will be applied to situations in which the source of water has become contaminated. The contamination may be accidental, deliberate, or caused by natural events. The maximum contaminent levels in drinking water are set forth by the Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to Pub. L. 93-523. However, loss of the water source or supply due to any cause is not included in the language of Section 82(2 ), Pub. L. 93-251, and furnishing emergency supplies by the Corps of Engineers under those situations was not intended by this legislation. Approval of measures to furnish clean drinking water will be pursuant to this regulation, and in accordance with procedures outlined in ER 500-1-1 by HQDA (DAEN-CWO-E) WASH DC 20314. DAEN-CWO-E will be notified by telephone when the emergency water situation becomes known.