The ALJ may invite interested persons to attend a conference, other than a settlement conference, as the ALJ deems appropriate.
The ALJ shall give reasonable notice of the time and place of any conference to the parties, and to interested persons if invited. A conference may occur in person, by telephone, or by other appropriate means.
Each party, and any interested person invited, shall be fully prepared for a useful discussion of all issues properly before the conference, both procedural and substantive, and be authorized to commit themselves or those they represent respecting those issues.
Unless the ALJ excuses a party, the failure of a party to attend or participate in a conference, after being served with reasonable notice of its time and place, waives all objections to any agreements reached in it and to any consequent orders or rulings.
The ALJ may direct that any of the following be addressed or furnished before, during, or after the conference:
Requests for official notice and particular matters to be resolved by reliance upon the substantive standards, rules, and other policies of the Coast Guard.
During a conference, the ALJ may dispose of any procedural matters on which he or she is authorized to rule.