19.01—Procedures for effecting individual waivers of navigation and vessel inspection laws and regulations.

(b) An application requesting that a waiver be made effective with respect to a particular vessel may be made by any authorized representative of an agency of the United States Government or any other interested person (including the master, agent, or owner of the vessel involved). Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, the application shall be in writing. The application shall be delivered to the Coast Guard District Commander or to his designated representative at the port or place where the vessel is located. In the case of a vessel in any port or place of the Canal Zone or in any foreign port or place, the application shall be made to the designated representative of the Commandant at such port or place, or if the Coast Guard has not established facilities in such port or place, to the nearest designated representative of the Commandant at a port or place where such facilities have been established. Every application shall contain a statement of the particular provisions of law with respect to which waiver of compliance is requested, a certification that the waiver of compliance with such laws with respect to the vessel involved is necessary in the interest of national defense and, an outline of the facts upon which such certification is based. The Coast Guard District Commander (or his designated representative or the designated representative of the Commandant, as the case may be) shall promptly examine every application for the purpose of determining whether the necessity for prompt action is such as to require that the waiver be made effective by him without reference to the Commandant. In any case in which it appears to the Coast Guard officer concerned that reference of the application to the Commandant for action would not delay the sailing of the vessel or otherwise be contrary to the interest of national defense, the application shall be so referred. In all other cases such Coast Guard officer shall give immediate consideration to the application and if he reaches the conclusion that the urgency of the situation outweighs the marine hazard involved, then such waiver shall be made effective in regard to such vessel to the extent and under the circumstances specified by him.
[CGFR 51-10, 16 FR 1959, Mar. 1, 1951]