187.11—What are the procedures to participate in VIS?

(a) A State must submit a written request to the Commandant (CG-5422) certifying that it will comply with the VIS participation requirements in subpart C of this part.
(b) The Commandant will review the request and determine if the State is complying with the VIS participation requirements. If so, the Commandant will certify compliance by listing the State in appendix A to this part.
(c) Appendix A to this part will list those States certified by the Commandant to participate in VIS. When the Commandant determines that a State is not complying with the participation requirements, it will lose its certification and will be deleted from appendix A to this part.

Code of Federal Regulations

[66 FR 15630, Mar. 20, 2001, as amended by USCG-2008-0179, 73 FR 35024, June 19, 2008]