179.19—Address of the Commandant.

(a) Each report and communication sent to the Coast Guard and required by this part concerning boats and associated equipment other than inflatable personal flotation devices, must be submitted to Commandant (CG-54223), 2100 2nd St., SW., Stop 7581, Washington, DC 20593-7581.
(b) Each report and communication sent to the Coast Guard and required by this part concerning inflatable personal flotation devices, must be submitted to Commandant (CG-5214), 2100 2nd St., SW., Stop 7126, Washington, DC 20593-7126.

Code of Federal Regulations

[CGD 93-055, 61 FR 13927, Mar. 28, 1996; CGD 96-026, 61 FR 36629, July 12, 1996; USCG-2008-0179, 73 FR 35024, June 19, 2008; USCG-2010-0351, 75 FR 36287, June 25, 2010]