165.804—Snake Island, Texas City, Texas; mooring and fleeting of vessels—safety zone.

(a) The following is a safety zone:
(1) The west and northwest shores of Snake Island;
(2) The Turning Basin west of Snake Island;
(3) The area of Texas City Channel from the north end of the Turning Basin to a line drawn 000° true from the northwesternmost point of Snake Island.
(b) Special regulations. All vessels are prohibited from mooring, anchoring, or otherwise stopping in the safety zone, except in case of an emergency.
(c) Barges are prohibited from fleeting or grounding in the zone.
(d) In an emergency, vessels shall advise the Captain of the Port, Houston-Galveston, of the nature of the emergency via the most rapid means available.

Code of Federal Regulations

[CGD 79-034, 47 FR 29660, July 8, 1982, as amended by USCG-2000-7223, 65 FR 40058, June 29, 2000]