155.1110—Purpose and applicability.

Except as specifically stated in a section, the definitions in part 151 of this chapter, except for the word “oil”, and in part 154 of this chapter, apply to this part. The following definition also applies to this part:
Merchant mariner credential or MMC means the credential issued by the Coast Guard under 46 CFR part 10. It combines the individual merchant mariner's document, license, and certificate of registry enumerated in 46 U.S.C. subtitle II part E as well as the STCW endorsement into a single credential that serves as the mariner's qualification document, certificate of identification, and certificate of service.

Code of Federal Regulations

[USCG-2006-24371, 74 FR 11212, Mar. 16, 2009]
(a) This subpart establishes oil spill response planning requirements for an owner or operator of a tanker loading cargo at a facility permitted under the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act (TAPAA) (43 U.S.C. 1651 et seq.) in Prince William Sound, Alaska, in addition to the requirements of subpart D of this part. The requirements of this subpart are intended for use in developing response plans and identifying response resources during the planning process, they are not performance standards.
(b) The information required in this subpart must be included in a Prince William Sound geographic-specific appendix to the vessel response plan required by subpart D of this part.