
The following terms are defined as used in this subpart.
Ballast water means any water and suspended matter taken on board a vessel to control or maintain, trim, draught, stability, or stresses of the vessel, regardless of how it is carried.
Ballast tank means any tank or hold on a vessel used for carrying ballast water, whether or not the tank or hold was designed for that purpose.
Captain of the Port (COTP) means the Coast Guard officer designated as COTP of either the Buffalo, NY, Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone or the New York, NY, Captain of the Port Zone described in part 3 of this chapter or an official designated by the COTP.
Commandant means the Commandant of the Coast Guard or an authorized representative.
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) means the area established by Presidential Proclamation Number 5030, dated March 10, 1983, ( 48 FR 10605, 3 CFR, 1983 Comp., p. 22), which extends from the base line of the territorial sea of the United States seaward 200 miles, and the equivalent zone of Canada.
Environmentally sound method means methods, efforts, actions, or programs, either to prevent introductions or to control infestations of aquatic nuisance species, that minimize adverse impacts to the structure and function of an ecosystem, minimize adverse effects on non-target organisms and ecosystems, and that emphasize integrated pest management techniques and non-chemical measures.
Great Lakes means Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, Lake Huron (including Lake Saint Clair), Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, and the connecting channels (Saint Mary's River, Saint Clair River, Detroit River, Niagara River, and Saint Lawrence River to the Canadian border), and includes all other bodies of water within the drainage basin of such lakes and connecting channels.
Port means a terminal or group of terminals or any place or facility that has been designated as a port by the COTP.
Sediments means any matter settled out of ballast water within a vessel.
Voyage means any transit by a vessel destined for the Great Lakes or the Hudson River, north of the George Washington Bridge, from a port or place outside of the EEZ, including intermediate stops at a port or place within the EEZ.

Code of Federal Regulations

[CGD 91-066, 58 FR 18334, Apr. 8, 1993, as amended by CGD 94-003, 59 FR 67634, Dec. 30, 1994; USCG-1998-3423, 64 FR 26682, May 17, 1999]