117.1061—Tacoma Harbor.

(a) When fog prevails by day or night, the drawtender of each bridge listed in this section, after giving the acknowledging signal to open, shall toll a bell continuously during the approach and passage of vessels.
(b) The draw of the South 11th Street bridge across City Waterway, mile 0.6, at Tacoma, shall open on signal if at least two hours notice is given. However the draw need not be opened from 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays for vessels of less than 1,000 gross tons, unless the vessels have in tow a vessel 1,000 gross tons or over, or unless the opening of the draw is required for the pickup of a vessel of 1,000 gross tons or over for towing. In emergencies, openings shall be made as soon as possible upon notification to the Washington State Department of Transportation.

Code of Federal Regulations

[CGD 82-025, 49 FR 17452, Apr. 24, 1984, as amended by CGD13 84-13, 49 FR 35629, Sept. 11, 1984; 49 FR 44632, Nov. 8, 1984; CGD 13-98-001, 63 FR 10777, Mar. 5, 1998]