110.232—Southeast Alaska.

(a) The anchorage grounds— (1) Hassler Harbor—explosives anchorage. The waters of Hassler Harbor within a circular area with a radius of 1,500 yards, having its center at latitude 55°12′52″ N., longitude 131°25′52″ W.
(b) The regulations. (1) Except in an emergency, only a vessel that is transporting, loading or discharging explosives may anchor, moor, or remain within the Hassler Harbor explosives anchorage.
(2) A master or person in charge of a vessel shall obtain a written permit from the Captain of the Port, Southeast, Alaska, to anchor, moor, or remain within the explosives anchorage. The vessel shall anchor in the position specified by the permit.
(3) The net weight of the explosives laden aboard all vessels anchored, moored, or remaining within the anchorage shall not exceed 800,000 pounds.
(4) The Captain of the Port, Southeast, Alaska, may require a nonself propelled vessel to be attended by a tug while moored, anchored, or remaining within the explosives anchorage.
(5) A wooden vessel must:
(i) Be fitted with a radar reflector screen of metal of sufficient size to permit target indication on the radar screen of commercial type radar; or
(ii) Have steel bulwarks; or
(iii) Have metallic cases or cargo aboard.
(6) Each vessel moored, anchored, or remaining within the explosives anchorage and carrying, loading, or discharging explosives from sunrise to sunset shall display:
(i) A red flag from the mast; or
(ii) A sign posted on each side of the vessel reading “Explosive—Keep Clear—No Smoking or Open Flame” in letters that are 3 inches or larger and have sufficient contrast with the background to be seen from a distance of 200 feet.
(7) Each vessel moored, anchored, or remaining within the anchorage during the night shall display:
(i) Anchor lights; and
(ii) A 32 point red light located from the mast or highest part of the vessel to be visible all around the horizon for a distance of 2 miles.

Code of Federal Regulations

[CGFR 71-86A, 36 FR 20603, Oct. 27, 1971, as amended by CGD 77-020, 42 FR 30618, June 16, 1977]