101.200—MARSEC Levels.

(a) MARSEC Levels advise the maritime community and the public of the level of risk to the maritime elements of the national transportation system. Ports, under direction of the local COTP, will respond to changes in the MARSEC Level by implementing the measures specified in the AMS Plan. Similarly, vessels and facilities required to have security plans under part 104, 105, or 106 of this subchapter shall implement the measures specified in their security plans for the applicable MARSEC Level.
(b) Unless otherwise directed, each port, vessel, and facility shall operate at MARSEC Level 1.
(c) The Commandant will set the MARSEC Level consistent with the equivalent Homeland Security Advisory System (HSAS) Threat Condition and that Threat Condition's scope of application. Notwithstanding the HSAS, the Commandant retains discretion to adjust the MARSEC Level when necessary to address any particular security concerns or circumstances related to the maritime elements of the national transportation system.
(d) The COTP may temporarily raise the MARSEC Level for the port, a specific marine operation within the port, or a specific industry within the port, when necessary to address an exigent circumstance immediately affecting the security of the maritime elements of the transportation system in his/her area of responsibility.