The Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) (ASD(HA)) shall coordinate and monitor the DoD health promotion program in accordance with this part, executing this responsibility in cooperation with the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Force Management and Personnel) and the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Reserve Affairs). The Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) (ASD(HA)) shall:
Establish and chair the Health Promotion Coordinating Committee comprised of representatives of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Force Management and Personnel) (OASD(FM&P)), Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Acquisition and Logistics) (OASD(A&L)), the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Reserve Affairs) (OASD(RA)), each Military Service, and such other advisors as the OASD(HA) considers appropriate.
Facilitate exchanges of technical information and problem solving within and among Military Services and Defense Agencies.
Coordinate health data collection efforts to ensure standardization and facilitate joint studies across DoD components.
Code of Federal Regulations
Footnote(s): 1 Copies may be obtained, if needed, from the U.S. Naval Publications and Forms Center, Attn: Code 1062, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19120.
The Assistant Secretary of Defense (Force Management and Personnel) (ASD(FM&P)) shall, in collaboration with the ASD(HA), coordinate and monitor relevant aspects of the health promotion program. These include:
Operation of health promotion and screening programs at the worksite and in Professional Military Education, DoD Dependents Schools, and section 6 schools.
Coordinate and monitor relevant aspects of the health promotion program as it pertains to National Guard and Reserve Personnel.
Establish and operate an integrated, coordinated and comprehensive health promotion program as prescribed by this Directive.
Designate from their respective Service(s) a health promotion coordinator who shall also serve as representative to the Health Promotion Coordinating Committee.
The Directors of Defense Agencies shall develop and implement health promotion plans and programs for their civilian employees in accordance with this part.
The Assistant Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (ASD(C)) shall develop and implement a health program promotion for OSD civilian employees.