842.47—Who are proper claimants.

(a) Citizens and inhabitants of the United States.
(b) U.S. military personnel and civilian employees.

Code of Federal Regulations

Note: These personnel are not proper claimants for personal injury or death incident to service.
(c) Persons in foreign countries who are not inhabitants of the foreign country.
(d) States, state agencies, counties, or municipalities, or their political subdivisions.
(e) Prisoners of war or interned enemy aliens.

Code of Federal Regulations

Note: These individuals are proper claimants for personal property damage but not for personal injury.
(f) Property owners, their representatives, and those with certain legal relationships with the record owner, including mortgagors, mortgagees, trustees, bailees, lessees and conditional vendees.
(g) Subrogees to the extent they have paid for the claim in question.