Makes sure Air Force participates in joint actions by coordinating with the Office of the Secretary of Defense staff, Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), executive departments, and other branches of the United States Government.
Manage air component COMCAM and visual information support within their areas of responsibility. Documents significant events and operations for theater and national-level use.
Sets requirements for COMCAM and VI support. Includes requirements in operations plans (OPLAN) force lists, concept plans (CONPLAN), operations orders (OPORD), and similar documents. See Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 10-401, Operation Plan and Concept Plan Development and Implementation.
Coordinate with MAJCOM VI managers to plan and source VIDOC forces for war, contingencies, and exercises.
Provide input (VI and COMCAM requirements) to HQ AMC/SCMV, 203 West Losey Street, Room 3180, Scott AFB, IL 62225-5223, as required to develop the annual VI Exercise Support Plan. Include requirements to exercise VI forces to refine operational procedures and meet defined objectives.
Maintains a deployable theater support Unified Transportation Command (UTC) to manage ADR requirements above the aviation wing level. This includes the gathering, editing, copying, and distribution of ADR images from combat aviation squadrons for operational analysis, bomb damage assessment, collateral intelligence, training, historical, public affairs, and other needs.
Sets combat training standards and develops programs for all Air Force COMCAM personnel (includes both formal classroom and field readiness training).
Provides the Air Force's primary COMCAM capability and assists air component and joint commands with deliberate and crisis action planning for USAF's COMCAM assets.
Provides component and theater commands COMCAM planning assistance and expertise for contingencies, humanitarian actions, exercises, and combat operations.
Funds HQ AMC COMCAM personnel and equipment for contingency or wartime deployments. (The requester funds temporary duty and supply costs for planned events, such as non-JCS exercises and competitions.)
Develops and monitors the annual Air Force-wide VI Exercise Support Plan for the Air Staff, with assistance from air components and supporting MAJCOMs. (Use criteria contained in § 813.4(e)(1) and provide equitable deployment opportunity for tasked commands' VI resources.)
Plan and set policy for documenting activities of operational, historical, public affairs, or other significance within their commands.
Train and equip VIDOC forces to document war, contingencies, major events, Air Force and joint exercises, and weapons tests.
Make sure COMCAM and BVISC forces meet their wartime tasking and identify and resolve deficiencies. Refer significant deficiencies and problems and proposed resolution to HQ AFCIC/ITSM.
Allow documentation of significant Air Force activities and events, regardless of their sensitivity or classification. Protect materials as the supported command directs. Safeguard classified images or handle them according to Department of Defense (DoD) Directive 5200.1, DoD Information Security Program, June 7, 1982, with Changes 1 and 2, and AFI 31-401, Information Security Program Management. The authority in charge of the event or operation approves documentation distribution.
Assist Air Force Operations Group, in identifying the command's capability to support COMCAM and VI requirements.
Make sure units that have deployable VI teams have Status of Resources and Training System (SORTS) reportable designed operational capability (DOC) statements that accurately reflect their mission and taskings.
Develop and oversee measurements, such as operational readiness inspection criteria, to evaluate VI force readiness at DOC-tasked units.